Saturday, January 17, 2009

Almost there....

We are quickly approaching the day when our little one will be able to walk all over this world. Bella is standing and moving to and fro, but she cannot independently walk around yet. She loves using her Zoom-Zoom to walk around the house. Although she is still recovering from an ear infection, that has not kept her down. She is eating more and more table food and actually sleeping through the night.... only took nine months! Thank goodness those days have passed - now we're on to bigger adventures!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bella having a blast!

Bella had her nine month check-up today. She is a record whopping 22 pounds and 14 oz. She is 28.7 inches long and almost at the walking stage. She crawls everywhere in the house and loves to be involved in exactly what you are doing. She is getting over an ear infection on top of everything else. There is definitely not a dull moment at the Rowell household. She loves to play with this barnyard set she got for Christmas, as you can see in the video. Bella also discovered the world of stuffed animals - she loves her Teddy (Bear) and George (her monkey from Aunt Erin). Her favorite foods are fruit and bread - the girl loves to eat! All is well aside from her being sick on and off again :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Christmas

Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Bella learned the joy of tissue and wrapping paper. She received lots of toys too, including a radio flyer with cushions and her first Barbie doll! We spent Christmas in VA this year and really enjoyed seeing the family. However, Bella was terribly sick and had to be taken to the ER Christmas Eve due to a fever of 102.5. She is better now, ending off the week with an ear infection. Hopefully things will settle down in the next coming weeks. We hope everyone had a lovely holiday and a Happy New Year!