Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Evie Turns 4 Months Old

Evelyn's baptism

Johnny Appleseed Festival

Who, me?

Smile! Can you see all the drool on Evelyn's shirt? Oh my!

Fun at the park with Mommy and Daddy

Happy Four Months Evelyn!

Well summer flew by in a breeze! We can't believe the leaves are already changing (this didn't happen until November in Texas!) and jackets need to be worn outside. Bella and Evie are really enjoying their time with family. One day last week when Bella awoke, she told her Nana how happy she was to be in Ohio. Priceless thoughts from a three year old! So to enjoy the beautiful weather and festivities around here, we have been very busy! There was a Johnny Appleseed Festival we attended, Evelyn was baptised in August, storytimes have started up, football is everywhere, ballet classes happen once a week, Aunt E had her birthday, and all the day-to-day events. We cant seem to fit everything in!
Evelyn had a doctor's appointment for her four month checkup and she is doing great. She is 27 inches (must take after her daddy), 17 lbs 5.5 ounces (big for her age but that fits with her length). Needless to say she's in 9 to 12 month clothing already. Thank goodness we kept all of Bella's old clothes because otherwise we'd be in big trouble for how quickly she goes through clothes. It's been nice getting clothes as gifts, but honestly she can't wear all the outfits fast enough before she's outgrown them. Right now she just loves to watch her big sister act so silly and enjoys watching her puppy play on her activity mat. Evelyn does not like to be on her back at all, except when she sleeps, so she is constantly carted around in someone's arms or in her zoom-zoom. It's amazing to relive all the baby experiences again, and we honestly couldn't be happier with our beautiful family.