Thursday, February 11, 2010

Record Breaking in Texas

Who would believe that the year we come to Texas it snows? And on top of it snowing, it made a whopping 7 inches! Of course Bella and Hunter went outside to enjoy the cold temperatures, flakes falling, and the slush. Bella enjoyed picking up piles of snow and throwing them, mom enjoyed throwing snowballs at Hunter, and Hunter enjoyed playing outside. It was a good time for all!

Bella has been showing lots of growth. She said "please" for the first time this week. Before that she would just smile and giggle when I'd try to get her to say it. She's also starting in with the "I want it" phrases - boy does she say that a lot. The terrible two temper tantrums are already starting.... and she's not even two! When she's not crying on the floor or telling puppy no, she's a ball to be around. She loves piggy-back rides, cuddling, or collecting all her toys around her in an awkward spot, such as under the table or in a corner. She can be very strange sometimes!