Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Fun

Well it's officially summer in Texas and man does it feel like we're sitting on the equator! It is hot, hot, HOT down here but thank goodness it's without 100% humidity! Bella and mommy have been taking dips in the community pool. Actually, Bella has been splashing around and jumping in the water while mommy has been worried every second with her thrashing around so much, running on the concrete floor, and possibly slipping in the puddles around the pool. The scratch on her head is actually not from the pool but one of her big puzzles that flipped over and hit her smack on her head. It wont be long until she has all her toys back once we get into the house, which is expected at the beginning of August. Yeah! More fun upacking times to come!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy holiday America! We sure have been busy moving to Texas, settling in, and house hunting. Now that we are here, we did get an offer accepted on a foreclosed house and hope to be moving in around mid August. Bryan is working a lot of hours but is enjoying his job while Jena is still tring to find that teaching / library job waiting for her. Bella is enjoying her time with her mommy for now, although she really has taken an interest in the walks around the apartment building with puppy. All is well and her last checkup showed she is a whoppy 28 lbs already! Pretty soon mom wont be able to lift this chunky monkey! She gets into everything, and we're not talking about her toys. Her favorite things to play with lately are cotton balls, empty packs of gum, and of course electronics, namely the computer and cell phones.