Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Valentine

She is grow- ing up too fast! Bella has really started to come into her own. She loves to take pictures with her camera (both of these were taken by her). Her skills have actually been increasing - now the subject of the picture actually makes it into her picture! Apart from the camera, Bella loves to play in her playroom with her kitchen set and Mommy's Tupperware, loves to paint at her new easel she got from Christmas from Nana and Papa, and loves to partake in whatever else is going on. She will be a great help when her new sister, Evelyn Sue, arrives in a couple of months (yes, Mommy is already counting down the days). She really is a joy to have around and I have loved spending so much time with her. Bryan still works weekends occasionally and the first couple weeks in February there was so much snow and ice coming down that Mommy and Bella spent some quality time together. It was so nice having a break from work that I could actually spend the entire day with her. We enjoyed our days be coloring, painting, baking, and playing inside and out. Bella loved playing in the snow and ice with Hunter, how could any kid not love that?
And then came Valentines Day.... Bella loved getting her little box of chocolates from Daddy and an edible fruit bouquet, even though that was for Mommy. Thanks to everyone for Bella's valentines.... she loved getting mail and even more loved opening up all her presents. As she would open them, she would say "Thank you everybody for my present." She is definitely one special little Valentine.