Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let it Snow!

Texas received it's first snow flurries for the year.... let's hope it won't be the last. Bella and Hunter had a great time playing outside in the white fluff, and Daddy helped make the experience even better with his additional snow flurries. Hunter really seemed to enjoy it - I take it all the barking means he approves. The laughter is too good to resist!

Also this weekend, we got to enjoy Jas spending the night. Bella loves her cousin to death and they had a good time wearing out Aunt Jena. Bella and Jas fell asleep together (actually I did too but the picture of them is so much cuter!).

Finally, Bella has been making good use of her dress up skills. She loves to parade around the house in her high heels, jewelry, and glittery ensemble. Of course the camera comes out.... especially when Bella gets to take pictures too! Smile for the camera, Mommy and Hunter!