Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pinkalicious 4th Birthday

Happy Easter! The girls had lots of fun this Easter opening all their baskets and having an Easter egg hunt. Bella awoke to find all the Easter eggs scattered around the living room, and she had to hunt down the eggs that led to her basket. She enjoyed the treasure hunt so early in the morning! Evelyn just wanted to eat everything, including the eggs.

Happy Birthday, Daughter #1. Bella chose to eat out at TGI Fridays for her birthday dinner. It worked out perfectly because they were doing balloon animals that night, so Bella and Evie got to go home with souvenirs too. And to top it off, Bella and Aunt E wore pink in preparation for the pink birthday party that weekend.

What a face! Bella woke up to find the birthday fairy decorated her room.

One of Bella's presents she found waiting for her in the garage. Surprise!

All the girls ready for the Pinkalicious Party! Bella was so happy that everything was PINK! We had little gifts if anyone in attendance wore pink too. It was a great time, but we had lots of family and friends missing. We were thinking of you all and wished you could have been there. Now that Bella is four, she uses that as a reason why she can do things. "Oh I can kick that ball really good because I'm four now." She's becoming quite a peach. And her baby sister is right behind her. Evelyn has gotten her first tooth, but is slowly working on getting more. She is an expert crawler but walking just isnt happening yet. We expect it to though, especially since her sister keeps snatching her walker away. Evie loves to scramble over to the fridge when she hears it open, and her favorite thing to do is play on the steps (with supervision of course). Now that the weather is nicer we've been trying to get  outside. Bella loves to swing and Evie loves to play on the castle/slide unit we have. They are growing so much!
Bryan just finished another semester of school and hopes to be working part time this summer. Jena just got a clerk position in the library (yay promotion!) and will be working with some people from her initial library days at Hinckley Library. All in all, we're doing well here with summer quickly on its way!

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